Class Types

Gentle Yoga

A class format that includes gentle warmups and stretching, strengthening poses, balance work and breath. Expect to move slowly and mindfully through this guided class with various modifications. This is a great class for beginners as well as those who desire a slower Hatha style class to refine poses and integrate mindful observation. This is an all-levels class.

Slow Flow/Warm Slow Flow

Slow Flow is similar to vinyasa but at a slower moving pace. The room is heated for Warm Slow Flow. There is more time spent warming up the body with gentle, opening poses and more time at the end in relaxing, finishing poses. The room is heated, but lower in temperature than Hot Vinyasa Flow.

Hot Vinyasa Flow

An energizing class balancing effort, ease and strength. The sequence allows for a flow style of class with an emphasis on postures and breath linked together. Each class is unique and crafted in a way to increase flexibility and strengthen muscles while giving you the opportunity to observe your body’s natural rhythm. The room is heated.

Warm Vinyasa Flow

A vinyasa style class in a warm room. Similar to hot vinyasa with a pace that gives extra time to explore postures and transitions more mindfully. This class will build confidence and familiarity with vinyasa style in a more relaxed format. The room is heated, but lower in temperature than Hot Vinyasa Flow.


A yoga class where the focus is on longer held, deep stretches that target connective tissue. It can improve mobility of the joints and is based on the practice of meridian energy lines of the body. This practice can help to release tension as well as encourage a receptivity to calming and quieting the body and mind. This is an all-levels class.

Yin to Restore

Yin to Restore is a class that incorporates both Yin and Restorative poses in a 50/50 format. It hits the fascia connective tissue with yin poses and transitions to relaxed, supported poses fully supported with props.


Restorative is a class that uses all the yoga props to support the body in postures for a longer period in order to facilitate the parasympathetic nervous system. It fosters healing, relaxation, and release of stress and tension held in the tissues of our body. This is an all-levels class.

Warm Weekly Wind Down

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi this class welcomes all levels. Weekly Wind Down is an opportunity to disconnect from the demands of the week, connect with your breath and find a peaceful space within. Join us every Friday to embark on a journey of self care while having a little fun at the same time. We will enjoy a variety of upbeat music to prepare for the weekend ahead. 

Warm Sunrise Flow

This warm vinyasa style class will be practiced in candle light. You will start by flowing slowly to awken the body and build connection between movement and breath. This class focuses on ease and effort as well as balance and strength. Each class is uniquely crafted to leave you feeling awake and energized for the day ahead.